26 October 2006

Note to Self: Must Blog More About London

Here I am, an American in London, 2.25 years in and I rarely actually blog about London anymore.

Am I 'over it'?
Well, the flash of irrational and irritated anger I felt no less than 3 times at stupid people on the Tube this morning tells me I am not. ("Seriously, we are all moving here. MOVE OR GET OUT OF THE WAY")

Am I numb to it?
Well, the guy completely opening his trousers in the middle of Covent Garden this morning didn't appall me, just made me annoyed that he was doing that in my public space. I did manage to avert my eyes in time (no one needs to see that before caffeinating) but it made me wonder just how jaded I had become.

Anyway, I aim to fix that here and today:
  • I added some new London blogs to the blogroll on the side there. These people are actually dedicated to talking about London. When I am too lazy to do it, you can always see what they have to say.
  • I am going to start trying to take more trips OUT of London into the rest of the UK. Turns out, there is a WHOLE COUNTRY here that is not London. Go figure. I will report back. Any suggestions on where I should go?
  • I am going to try to focus more on reporting on London things (besides dirty old men having a wank in public). Sometimes I forget that not everyone does what I, and the people around me, do everyday.

Starting tomorrow, things gon' change around here.


Loaf said...

Probably a good thing that you're becoming numb to London; occasions when I venture into the city usually need a day to recover from. The underground is my idea of hell!

Lots to see around the UK, depending on what you're looking for.

If you want old buildings, cobbled back streets and history, try Oxford.

For long walks and stunning views, go for the Peak or Lake Districts, but they can be crowded unless you go off the beaten track.

And if you're just looking for somewhere to go and blow a load of cash on shopping, Milton Keynes is pretty good!

darci ann said...

where ever you go, there you are. London is only a background to the recken roll lifestyle, keep it focused on you and the good stories of life my friend! :)