20 November 2007

Who Watches VHS anymore?

Quick side note on yesterday's post: They call to harrass me from the pub and force me to yell things like "ARE YOU GUYS DRUNK?" really loud from my cube and yet, not ONE of them, not even Kate, can be bothered to leave a comment. I even turned off that annoying word verification thing and still...no love.


In other news, I am taking off to Anchorage tomorrow for the annual ReckenRoll family Thanksgiving feast. I called my mom last week to demand discuss the menu and make sure that everyone was catering to my will on the same page. I think we are in a good place now. I am in charge of the pies. I like making pies. I will be making the crust from scratch. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

The ReckenRoll Thanksgiving will be held at Kenai Lake this year. I am taking my entire VHS collection with me to donate to the VCR library. I have like 30 VHS tapes that I bought before DVD took off (yeah, I'm old) and were in storage when I got home from the UK. I can't watch them anymore because I would be the laughingstock of everyone I know if I had a VCR but I also can't sell (who buys VHS?) or throw them away either.

The cabin is the only option left. It's where all ReckenRoll family appliances and household goods go to die. It's fully furnished with grampa's old couch, grampa's old microwave, our old TV, my cousin's old VCR...old pillows and linens that look like they were very hip in the 60s, boardgames that are worn around the edges. You get the picture.

At the cabin, the VCR is a luxury and the movies I am bringing are going to make us the most popular cabin for miles around. Seriously. It's like our own little recycling plant for ancient technologies and household goods. If you're nice to me, maybe some day I'll let you come along and enjoy the tour. If you want to watch 16 Candles on repeat, you move to the top of the list.

Now, if I could just find my snow boots...


Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that while items at the cabin may be old, they are clean. Very clean. And in excellent shape. Please Kate. We do have a fairly respectable image to maintain. Besides, true retro, versus recently purchased retro, is cool.

Anonymous said...

A disclaimer about Katie’s invitation to the world to watch VHS at the cabin… The 16 Candles tape she speaks of is missing about the first 20 minutes of the movie. Plus, there is no swearing. And, no boobies in the shower.

P.S Can't wait to see you this week!

ReckenRoll said...

EXCEPT, my dear Em, you forget that you gave me 16 Candles on VHS...or did I give it to you? Either way, this is not your ghetto boot-legged USA version of 16 Candles. Oh no, we've got full-length, boobs and cursing OH MY!

Anonymous said...

Oh... 16 Candles on re-run... Not that its tempting away from the S. Africa trip - but it is tempting!

"God, I hope whoever got that note doesn't know it was me who wrote it. I'd shit twice and die."

Unknown said...

I was too damned hungover to be able to comment yesterday!!! I do NOT know how I ever survived regular drinking life in London....

And as for the idea that I compete with Jeff for your affections??? it was actually a cunning ruse for me to be the first to call you from my phone and only be able to leave a message, then have Jeff be the one to follow up straight away. You answered and the following 45 minutes of scintillating mobile phone conversation between London and Seattle will now be charged to his phone. Clever huh? :)

Unknown said...

oh - and happy Thanksgiving! See you back in Seattle soon!

Miss Cheeky said...

Found your blog as I was googling for pumpkin pie mix in London. And then I find out that you are going to Anchorage as well, which is where I hail from.

I thought judging my the reaction to my being from Alaska that I must be the only one in the whole of London.

Good to know there are others about.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh and I've been told that Waitrose carries pumpkin pie filling but I have not confirmed it.

Loaf said...

VHS has my only copy of Back to the Future 1, 2 & 3, if only I had a player to watch it on! Although I could probably just buy the box set on DVD for the same price now...

Happy Thanksgiving, and London still loves you!

ReckenRoll said...

Miss Cheeky - there is a shop in Hampstead that carries it. Roslyn's Deli. They have a whole American section in the back with oreos, mac n' cheese, yellow mustard, etc. They carry the pumpkin seasonally. Good luck!