28 November 2007

Just a Mile

Yesterday I ran a mile at the gym. I didn't have time for a long workout but had been in a meeting eating cookies all afternoon and needed to do something to burn off all that damn sugar.

I used to run a 5k on a regular basis and since I am just getting back into this workout thing I was thinking let's warm up with just a little mile. If the mile feels good, maybe I'll do 2 or heck, maybe even all 3.1 miles. Admittedly, it's been a while since I ran so I was just going to take it easy and well, let me just say:




I had to PUSH MYSELF so hard to finish that one little baby mile. I wanted to stop at about .35 and give in. ONE THIRD OF A MILE. Instead, I cranked the iTunes to one of my most 'pump it up' work out songs, slowed my pace, and tried to think about being in a swimsuit on the beach in Australia in January.

It helped. I made it...at a pace of just above what I think a normal human walks. BUT I DID IT!!!

And today?

I am so tired. I am so so so so tired. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to get dressed. I want to take a nap right now. I've had a grande coffee and a diet coke and am now trying sugar. This is so so sadcakes...plus it means I need to keep doing it cause I can't let one mile get me down! I shall rise above!!!



Anonymous said...

It's well documented that biomechanically running is generally bad. Eating cookies however is not. So, try walking briskly for 15 minutes while eating cookies. Voila.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to Dr. Shaun's advice, don't drop the running. Drop the sugar. As the old, tired and trite saying goes, "Just do it." It's the only way to go.

JulieGong said...

keep on running girl.


Alannah said...

Bravo to you for even TRYING to exercise while The Holidays are going on.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

As a pre-nursing student I am qualified to say that you should do everything in moderation. That includes excercise.

But I guess you should probably STICK WITH IT.

ReckenRoll said...

I like Dr. Shaun's advice. It's sound. It makes sense.

But I don't think they like crumbs on the treadmill...