07 February 2007

So What DO You Do With a Butternut Squash

When Lauren moved in, I didn't just get a new flatmate. I also inherited the majority of the contents of the fridge and cupboards from the last place...including what will now always be remembered as "the Butternut Squash."

Why it was purchased? I know not. The fact that we almost gave it away to a homeless man until he realized he had to cook it is par for the course. The Butternut Squash became a bit of a fixture...and a fixation...in our home over the last few weeks.

As Lauren has made her way through cooking me many a delicious meal the Butternut Squash remained untouched. First on the counter and then in the fridge. Both of us are pretty good cooks -we know our way around a kitchen - but rarely had we encountered a squash. We had a general idea, "We could bake it?" or "We could make soup or something?" but in the library of recipes in our minds nothing popped to the forefront so the squash waited...and waited...until Lauren made it her mission to cook the squash. Last night, it came to a fairly triumphant end.

The process began over a week ago. I came home one night to find Lauren studiously at her computer searching "Butternut Squash recipes" on the Internet. The exchange went something like this:

Lauren: "Does ginger and butternut sound good? We have ginger."
Me: "Um, sure?"
Lauren: "Maybe just garlic and onion instead. Does that sound good? We have garlic and onion"
Me: "Um, sure?"
Lauren: "Do you have a blender or food processor?"
Lauren: "Rats."

I thought that might be the end of it but The Butternut Squash remained on her brain. On Saturday morning:

Me: "Want to go out to dinner tonight?
Lauren: "I was thinking of cooking The Butternut Squash."
Me: "Oh"

On Sunday:
Me:"We're meeting Erin for dinner, is that cool?
Lauren: "Do you think she might want The Butternut Squash?"
Me: "I was thinking Vietnamese"
Lauren: "Oh"

However, the dinner with Erin proved to the be most fortuitous for The Butternut Squash as apparently, Erin is an old pro with TBS. Off the top of her head she shared several ideas and we quickly recruited her to come over on Tuesday and cook us a Butternut feast.

Last night, I returned home from the gym a bit late but the girls were already there and in full cooking force. Erin was slicing, dicing and peeling, The Butternut Squash was a shadow of it's former self. After a quick discussion of The Butternut Squash's health we decided it was good for soup and into the pot it went. 30 minutes later we paused to question our decision as The Butternut Squash soup proved a bit bland and broth-like but we soldiered on.

In the end a salad, a healthy dose of appetizers (bread, cheese, mushroom pate), and a nice bottle of wine turned TBS into an all and all triumphant meal. I think Lauren said it best:

"It's not bad....It's not great but it's not bad. I'm gonna say I like it. "

Rest in peace TBS.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! What a good night.... TBS forever

Anonymous said...

I suspect the "nice bottle of wine" had something to do with it.

Butternut Squash Soup is one of my specialties. Sadly, you do need a food mill or food processor. When in a quandary, ask the blogosophere, I always say...

Come Back Brighter said...

I'm also going to be intrigued by TBS now, until I try it for myself

Loaf said...

Not that I've actually tried it myself yet, but a friend was telling me how they make a dessert from it:

Cut TBS in half, top to bottom, wrap in foil and bake. Near the end, cover the inside of the half with honey, then bake it a little longer. After that, it should be soft and the honey soaked in.

Not sure what it would taste like, but could be worth a go!

Anonymous said...

if only I'd left you my blender, food processor and mini handheld food processor - then Lauren could have fulfilled all your dreams of Butternut Squash !!!!! (Feel free to borrow them from J-Bro should you need them though think the blender might actually be with Tina - well anyway, it's the thought that counts). Have to agree with whoever gave previous feedback however - Wholefoods Butternut Squash soup is incredible :) But I bet yours was an all-up better overall experience - the anticipation and then the sense of achievement....