06 February 2007

Insult of the Day

Whilst purchasing my sushi lunch to eat at my desk from the take-away place down the street, the following exchange took place:

Sushi Cashier Girl: "Take Away?"
Me: "Yes"
Sushi Cashier Girl (eyeing up the purchase): "How many chopsticks you need?"
Me: "Um, one."
Sushi Cashier Girl: ...

Apparently I eat enough sushi for two.


Matt said...

"whilst"?? someone needs bottled beer at the pioneer.

Anonymous said...

emily said....

My favorite back-handed weight comment I have ever received was when I was a cook on the train...
Emily: Welcome aboard!
Grumpy old bastard: You know what I always say?
Emily: No, what sir? (Still chipper at this point.)
Grumpy old bastard: Never trust a skinny cook. You look like you'll do just fine.
Emily: Blank Stare.

I licked his dinner rolls later. Never piss off your cook.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

HA! What a beyatch!

Come Back Brighter said...

She was just jealous. and won't be so smart when she's found with chopsticks in all her major organs in alphabetical order.

ReckenRoll said...

I DO need a bottle of beer at the Pioneer!