24 May 2007

I am full of bugs

Got most of my vaccinations today. Three needle sticks for 6 diseases and I get to go back next week for meningitis. Whoo hoo!

ReckenRoll = Human Pin Cushion

I got more than one strange look walking home. I made the mistake of wearing a sleeveless shirt and for some reason the nurse thought it better to give me the big cotton bud with tape over it to cover the needle prick instead of a plaster. So there I am, in a bit of a daze, wandering home with a bag full of malaria pills and three big bandages on my upper arms.

Needless to say my posh little hood didn't know what to think of me.

Of course I couldn't find my old immunizations record anywhere this morning either so we started from scratch. I got a lot of this:

"Well, you're American so...

  • ...you're at a disadvantage because you haven't been immunized against TB, like all of the Brits and Irish." (Apparently the vaccine is not mandatory or legal or something in the USA.)
  • ...you're really healthy. You're a really healthy girl aren't you?" (I was beginning to think she was calling me fat)
  • ...you've had your TB, mumps, etc. but that runs out around the age of 25." (more shots, yaaay!)

I also learned that:

  • with a hepatitis shot, if I get a booster in a year, I am immunized for life.
  • In 10 days I will be 100% immunized against Yellow Fever, a near fatal disease, for 10 years. One shot does that...but it stings like a bitch.
  • My tetanus, typhoid, and polio vaccines will last me 10 years.
  • If a dog bites me, I need to get back to the UK ASAP. Under no circumstances should I be treated for rabies in Africa. Apparently the treatment involves blood culture thingies. Now, as a general rule I don't approach wild dogs that foam at the mouth but I will apparently need to be extra vigilant.
  • I should be careful not to drink unbottled water, eat fruit or veg from a street vendor, or drink unpasteurized milk. Again, kind of a general rule of mine for traveling in a 3rd world country but I'll be extra vigilant.
  • I am not supposed to let anyone sneeze or cough on me. Again, kind of a general rule, but (say it with me) I'll be extra vigilant.
  • Malaria is carried by the female mosquito and apparently she only bites at night. I need to leave the air conditioning running in my hotel room at all times because it keeps the mosquitos out. Yes, I will be bringing long sleeved warm clothes to sleep in in Africa. That makes sense.
  • Tsetse flies are attracted to the colour blue. Mosquitos are attracted to dark fabric. Wear light colours.

Now, mind you, I will be spending most of my time in the conference centre and the 5 star hotel so all of this may just be for show. Also 50% 0f the country is muslim so it's not like I could accidentally get drunk (not a lot of booze in muslim countries), put on some jeans, dturn off the A/C and drink unpasteurized milk while eating a salad from a street vendor and petting a rabid dog...but stranger things have happened.

ReckenRoll, now with 600% more immunity.


The [Cherry] Ride said...

I am so afraid for you. I expec a phone call every night.

ReckenRoll said...

You and my mom! Cause roaming charges would be cheap? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am still confused about the purpose of this visit. Microsoft...Burkina Faso.

Doesn't seem like a hot market. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Thank God for the shots. Stay in the 5 star hotel the entire time. See nothing. Eat nothing. Drink nothing. I want you to come home.

And just what is the connection between Burkina Faso and Microsoft?

Melody P.G. Henderson! said...

You are so brave Katie. May you stay clear of all dogs with ease...