10 April 2008

Am I Getting Old?

Actual conversation had this weekend in the car :

ME: "You know, I've found that I am listening to The Mountain and JACK a lot more often these days. They've been playing really good music lately."

K: "Um, no, they are playing the same music we're just getting old and don't like the younger stations anymore"

ME: "No we're NOT! I still have KISS programmed in..........but it does drive me crazy that all they play is Chris Brown and Rhianna over and over and over and over. I can't take it."

K: "They're dating you know and they sing that song together."

ME: "Yeah, that makes it even more annoying. It's like every song is by them and SO damn repetitive. Oh, and I what I really hate is that Love in the Club* song! Ugh. I have to flip."

K: "Yeah, you're old."

(My attempt at Perez Hilton style blogging)

* yes, I know Love in the Club is by Usher but they still play it on KISS a lot and it still annoys the crap out of me,


Matt said...

you're en route to listening to nothing but smooth jazz and soft rock...just embrace it.

I'm Not Carrie Bradshaw said...

OMG. I heard this song on the way to work this morning and thought, "Ugh! What is this bump and grind crap." Yep, I'm old too.

Unknown said...

when you start switching to King FM because the classical music is so soothing on your way home from a day in the office then you know you're getting old. OMG I AM OLD!!!!! I love my slippers and dressing gown too. EMBRACE IT!

5 of 9er said...

Then I am old too... I've given up on music radio and just listen to sports talk. Soon it will just be classical.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

I love the Perez Hilton-style graphics. Please keep them up.

Have I mentioned that my Pandora once tried to play Celine Dion based on my recommendations? Now THAT's fucking old (or just plain pathetic. Or both. Nevermind.)