14 December 2007

Friday You Tube Clip of the Day

Instead of boring you with tales of my terrible morning (all before 9:30 am) I will instead share this awesome clip and sip on my double tall gingerbread latte and think good thoughts about humanity.

You make your own good times people.

Watch all the way through cause the first kid is good but the second kid...er third kid, is freaking amazing!

Happy Friday! Enjoy everyone!!


TSTuesday said...

How is that humanly possible?

Hope your afternoon was better than your morning!

The [Cherry] Ride said...

So is breakdancing the new "chess club" or "dungeons & dragons" for high schoolers?

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Is that kid made of rubber? Does he have bones, or is he just full of jello? I'm grossed out by him.

5 of 9er said...

I had no clue I was on YouTube... wow!