07 February 2008

Getting (kind of) Political

We're caucusing in Washington state on Saturday. While I rarely tend to pay attention to any election until the post-primary dust has settled, now that I am back in America, and it's been clearly proven that things go to hell in a handbasket when I leave, this year I am getting into the swing of things early.

Call it a sense of urgency to make sure we don't let any more good old frat boys near the White House for at least another 8 to 16 years.

I am America people...and so can you.

The conflict comes in when I realize that ultimately, I don't think rockstars or actors should get involved in politics (I mean look at what happened with Regan and Schwarzenegger) so, as a top global rockstar, I can't in good conscience spout off what I think you should do politically.

Except for that gay marriage thing. (but that's obvious, right?).
Oh, and the point on legal abortion. (but then we all agree here already)
And um, the semi-automatic weapons, immigration, health care and America's role in global energy policies. (but again, I don't need to state the obvious)
Oh, and Iraq. (puh-leeze!)

But like I said, since we are all obviously in agreement, I won't go repeating what we all already agree on. However, if you're like old Reckenroll, you got lots of opinions but not a lot of time to listen to speech after speech after political analysis after speech.

(Let's be honest, you just watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report and snicker from the sidelines while Comedy Central helps you decide your opinion on national policy then you repeat the funniest lines at cocktail parties and pass the points off as your own.)

So given that I haven't really invested a lot in the pre-game so far, I wasn't convinced who my candidate should be...until a friend pointed me to a cool little tool that can help you find your candidate (or gut check the candidate you've already picked).

You take a quiz on your existing opinions and the results will tell you who is closest to your opinions, how close they were and how/why you differ and on what points. I also love that I can see how the individual candidates compare to my opinion and then link directly to their position on the points where I disagree and find out what they think exactly.

Check it out HERE.

So while I won't be endorsing my candidate here (now that I know who he is, love that his name rhymes with Yo mama), I will say you should all get involved. Take the quiz. Take a stand.

Yes, we can.


Anonymous said...

rock on sista! definitely the time and need to take a stand, and the right one at that :)

- your favorite friend in SE Asia

Anonymous said...

She means your favourite friend after me!

ReckenRoll said...

Oooh. SE Asia competition!
Shaun - I hope you are treating our girl well and showing her the ropes.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I took that quiz one year, and I found out that Al Gore and the guy who used to play in the NBA differed by only a smidge. I could have gone either way on that one. Ultimately I went with the NBA guy. Better post moves.

5 of 9er said...

I was a little worried it would say someone else other than who I voted for... but it didn't! Yea for You mama!!!