13 October 2008


Work has hit that fevered pitch that it does every so often. I swear this job has peaks and valleys and the peak is coming but I'm only 3/4 up the mountain. Come Nov 1, it will be sweet sailing into the holiday season but right up until Halloween I may just stop speaking to everyone except Cheech and that's only because she's working on the same project.

Last night I went to bed at 9 pm. No joke.

The trick to surviving times like these is to find the humor where you can...like today I started an email trail with clients entitled "BRAAAAAIIIIINNNNNNS" (it really was about brains). Everytime an email with that subject line popped into my inbox I got a little giggle.

Oh, and if you want a squishy brain talk to me after 1 November. I'm sure I'll have extra.

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