06 August 2007

My Favorite Text Messages

A spin on the usual "what I learned this weekend," instead, I offer up my favorite text messages starting from Friday night. It was a greeeat weekend and included a pub crawl, dancing, and sitting on the floor of my flat (because I have no furniture) at midnight passing around a bottle of cava (because I have no glasses) before trying to go dancing in central London.

No, these are not all from the same people and only one person got 2 texts on the list. Names have been removed to protect the not-so-innocent and times are the local time of the SENDER.
  • "Missing you. Plus, I am high." - Friday 3.32 pm
  • "I am listening to Silverchair wearing an awesome green super hero cape. Not even kidding." - Saturday 4.20 pm.
  • "Guess what. There is an article in the ft weekend about...? Snip snip!" - Saturday 5.01 pm
  • "Apparently you have to actually be GAY to get into GAY" - Sunday 12.30 am
  • "I is home. nice." - Sunday 4.16 am
  • "Hating life right now, also never touching booze again. I guess that's mission accomplished!" - Sunday 4.30 pm

Adding photos to Flickr as well because they can run but they can't hide...


Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

U have some interesting friends!

One time I sent a text to the wrong Adam, and wrong-Adam was really confused, because the text was as follows: "I have your disc. I'm taking pictures of Santa today."

Anonymous said...

The Jeff looks gaw-juss in those pics

The [Cherry] Ride said...

I'm with Dr. Ken - you DO have some interesting friends ;-)