02 March 2007

Friday's Top Ten: Ways You Know You are a Londoner

Plagerised from an oldie but a goodie...

  1. Hookers and the homeless are invisible
  2. You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression
  3. The UK west of Heathrow is still theoretical to you
  4. £50 of groceries fits into one bag
  5. You consider someone throwing themselves under a tube train to be an annoyingly selfish act.
  6. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Shepherds Bush to Elephant & Castle at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can't find Dorset on a map.
  7. You say "City" and expect everyone to know which one.
  8. You've considered stabbing someone.
  9. Your idea of 'personal space' is no one actually standing on you.
  10. You actually take fashion seriously.


Anonymous said...


cause i know you love brittney kate.


Loaf said...

Being on the outskirts, I thankfully only qualify for 4 out of the 10, so not a true Londoner yet!